See total ranking

The Foschini Group (TFG)

The Foschini Group (TFG) is one of the largest South African retailers in clothing and homeware with a portfolio of 27 retail brands. The company employs over 38,000 people in more than 4,300 outlets and operates in 32 countries across five continents. In 2022, the company reported USD 3,126 billion in revenue.
Ranking position
#82 /112
Total score
15.6 /100
Measurement area Score Rank (0-112)

Governance and strategy

#1 1.4 /20 #91


#1 2.6 /17.5 #73

Compensation and benefits

#1 0.5 /17.5 #77

Health and well-being

#1 6.6 /17.5 #34

Violence and harassment

#1 3.3 /17.5 #51

Marketplace and community

#1 1.3 /10 #61
Total score 15.6 /100 #82
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Value chain element Score
Workplace 8.6 /35
Supply chain 4.4 /35
Apparel #46

See results for

  1. 2020
  2. 2021

More about the company

Cape Town, South Africa
Number of employees
Percentage of female employees
Group revenue
USD 3,126 billion
Ownership structure
Publicly listed