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Coca-Cola Company

A multinational corporation, the Coca-Cola Company is a manufacturer, retailer, and marketer of a range of non-alcoholic beverages. Since its first product launched in 1996. the company has expanded to a product portfolio of over 500 brands and sales in more than 200 countries worldwide. Furthermore, it works with 225 bottling partners across 900 bottling plants, serving an estimated 30 million retail outlets in total. Acquisitions, such as the $4.9 billion takeover of UK-based Costa Coffee in 2019, have helped Coca-Cola Company consolidate its market position as one of the world's biggest non-alcoholic beverage companies.

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Food and agriculture revenue
USD 37,226,000,000
Food and agriculture USD revenue
Major subsidiaries
Minute Maid, Costa Coffee, Energy Brands
Consumer brands
Coke, Fanta, Dasani Water, Powerade