Founded in 2018, the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) is a non-profit organisation holding 2,000 of the world’s most influential companies accountable for their part in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It does this by publishing free and publicly available benchmarks on their performance. WBA shows what good corporate practice looks like so that leading companies have an incentive to keep going and laggards feel pressure to catch up.
WBA has identified seven systems that, if transformed, have the greatest potential to put our society, planet and economy on a more sustainable and resilient path. To turn these transformations into action, WBA develops, in close collaboration with the Alliance, a series of benchmarks assessing 2,000 of the world’s most influential companies. The benchmarks reveal where each company stands in comparison to its peers and provide companies with a clear roadmap of the commitments and changes they must make. They equip everyone – including a community of 300+ organisations known as ‘Allies’ – with the insights that they need to collectively ensure that the private sector changes.
One of the systems transformations is the financial system transformation. The Financial System Benchmark assesses the 400 most influential financial institutions on their contribution to global goals, such as the SDGS and the Paris Agreement.
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