
The 110 companies in the 2023 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark were assessed using an updated methodology, which was published in September 2021, following a two-phase consultation process. This included a literature review, feedback sought through regional and multi-stakeholder consultations, and a public questionnaire.

The methodology is composed of five measurement themes. Each theme contains a series of indicators focusing on different aspects of how a business seeks to respect human rights across its own operations and supply chain. Our indicators are grounded in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other international human rights standards, with additional sector-specific requirements applied to some indicators.

The revised methodology gives more focus to the actual performance of companies and different types of rightsholder engagement undertaken at the various stages of a business’s operations. New topics such as business model, strategy, risks and recruitment fees have also been included.

See full methodology

Assessment process

The benchmark assessment process consists of two research phases: an initial analysis of publicly available company information, followed by a review based on company feedback. The assessment relies on publicly accessible data like company websites, financial and non-financial reports, and policies. For certain aspects of responses to serious allegations (measurement theme E), third-party sources are used.

After an initial phase of research, companies receive a draft assessment for review. They can engage with the benchmark team directly through an engagement call and can provide written feedback on their draft assessment. The benchmark team reviews the feedback received from companies and revises assessments accordingly.