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Nippon Steel Corporation

Based in Tokyo, Japan, Nippon Steel Corporation is one of the world's largest steel producers. In 2019, it merged with Sumitomo Metal Industries. Beyond its steel activities that make the large majority of its revenues, it operates in three other segments: engineering and construction, chemicals and materials as well as system solutions. In 2022, the company employed 28,700 people and earned USD 58.8 billion in revenue.

Ranking position
#89 /110
Total score
7.1 /100
Measurement theme Score Rank (0-110)

Governance and policy commitments

#1 0.2 /10 #97

Embedding respect and human rights due diligence

#1 0.2 /25 #96

Remedies and grievance mechanisms

#1 2.5 /20 #81

Performance: Practices

#1 2.8 /25 #66

Performance: Responses

#1 1.4 /20 #82
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Extractives #46

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  1. 2020

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