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Salvatore Ferragamo is a luxury goods company founded in 1927 and based in Florence, Italy. The company creates, produces and sells shoes, leather goods, apparel, silk products, and other accessories for both men and women. The company also sells eyewear, watches and perfumes. Ferragamo is present in over 90 countries around the world and employs 3,830 people. In 2022, it's revenue was USD 1.25 billion.

Ranking position
#72 /110
Total score
11.7 /100
Measurement theme Score Rank (0-110)

Governance and policy commitments

#1 1.9 /10 #60

Embedding respect and human rights due diligence

#1 1.4 /25 #75

Remedies and grievance mechanisms

#1 4.5 /20 #45

Performance: Practices

#1 1.6 /25 #79

Performance: Responses

#1 2.3 /20 #65
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Apparel #33

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  1. 2020

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

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