WBA hosts #SDGActionZone breakout session at UNGA 2020
Alliances for impact: Unconventional partnerships
Recognising that unconventional partnerships are needed to not only get the international community back on track for achieving the SDGs but also for building back better following COVID-19, the WBA is excited to be hosting an interactive panel, which will aim to mobilise a broad range of constituencies, sectors, and change agents.
We will explore partnership building that can help supercharge a race to the top across the business community; recognise gaps; bring constituencies together beyond rhetorical commitments; but also make the invisible visible through efforts like strengthened financial inclusion and monitoring global supply chains.
If unconventional allies work to strengthen financing for development; position economies for sustainable investment; integrate new technologies; and maintain accountability not only can inequalities at the core of the challenge of the Decade of Action and COVID-19 be addressed, the international community will be more strongly positioned to navigate potential shocks in the future.
See who is speaking