
Just transition draft methodology: open for public consultation

We will be hosting a public consultation period for our just transition draft methodology from April 1 to May 14 2021, in which you can participate as detailed out below. More about our Just Transition work here

Multi-stakeholder roundtables:

WBA will be holding two multi-stakeholder virtual roundtables which will bring together actors working on climate action and social transformation for a deep-dive on the methodology and indicators. We will present our methodology and approach to assessing the role of business on the just transition and facilitate feedback on how the assessments can grow to become critical levers for change. You can participate in the 90 minute virtual roundtables by registering at the following links:

  • Register here to join us on Wednesday 28 April, 09:00 London / 10:00 Amsterdam / 13:30 Delhi / 16:00 Singapore / 17:00 Tokyo / 18:00 Sydney
  • Register here to join us on Thursday 29 April at 08:00 San Francisco / 11:00 New York / Buenos Aires 12:00 / 16:00 London / 17:00 Amsterdam


We invite you to share insights through our online survey which is the place for you to share your knowledge and written feedback on the just transition indicators and methodology. We welcome your insights to help us ensure the methodology and indicators are indicative of the actions business must take in order to contribute to a low-carbon transition which leaves no one behind. This survey is open from April 1 to May 14 2021. (The survey is now closed for input)

Download the draft methodology below:

This draft methodology brings together the key just transition topics and issues on which stakeholders expect companies to act and is the result of WBA seeking expert/stakeholder advice. It describes the key just transition topics, proposed draft indicators, approaches to scoring and weighting, and timelines for the just transition assessments.

Download here
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