
For consultation: Assessing companies Transition Plans Collective (ATP-Col) guidance document

The ATP-Col – Assessing companies Transition Plans Collective was launched in June 2023 and is a working group of around 90 individual experts from 40 organizations.

ATP-Col aims to collectively develop a consensual framework with guidance on how to assess companies’ transition plans’ credibility. Since its inception the working group has been developing a guidance document which can be used to harmonise assessors practices.

Request for feedback

We invite you to review the draft guidance document using the link below and provide comments and feedback on all aspects of the document. The consultation will be open for just over three weeks, from Wednesday 19th June to Friday 12th July, for stakeholders to provide comments. We value the expertise of our stakeholders, and your input will be key to helping us develop a robust framework.

How can I participate?

We invite you to review the document attached above and provide comments and feedback on all aspects of the document using the link below.

Survey to provide comments and feedback:

For more information about ATP-Col please contact Romain Poivet and Perrine Toledano

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