Articulation of tech companies’ accountability in Global Digital Compact key to bridging digital divide
One of the primary outcomes of the forthcoming Summit for the Future is the Global Digital Compact. This initiative seeks to establish an international framework involving the global communities and stakeholders in the technology sector, detailing vital commitments and actions required to nurture a sustainable digital future for everyone. By setting international standards and norms, the Compact lays a foundation for corporate accountability, urging companies to uphold, promote, and protect human rights online, incorporate human rights law into emerging technologies, and mitigate risks associated with AI technologies.
The recently unveiled Zero-Draft of the Compact by the UN Tech Envoy’s Office includes significant provisions for private sector involvement. For example, having the technology industry and developers contributing to and implementing the framework once it has been adopted by member states. Article 29(b) explicitly articulates the role of digital technology companies and developers in digital transformation by encouraging them to co-create industry accountability frameworks.
According to the 2023 Digital Inclusion Benchmark (DIB), which assesses the world’s 200 most influential technology companies, there remains substantial potential for these entities to effect positive changes in the digital landscape as only 14% of these companies have committed to promoting digital inclusion.
Therefore, it is crucial that the negotiating parties, namely UN member states and stakeholders, ensure the retention of such provisions within the Global Digital Compact through to its endorsement at the forthcoming Summit for the Future and beyond.
If you’d like to learn more read our position paper here:
See position paperOr contact Dio Herdiawan Tobing, Head of Public Policy (Asia) at