Lauren co-leads the WBA’s investor engagement strategy. She connects investors and investor-focused platforms to the work of the WBA. This expands to developing new modes of collaboration with other financial institutions and ESG service providers. She sees these actors as key catalysts for transformation across the Sustainable Development Goals. She is particularly interested in systems thinking, and connecting the dots across transformation areas to the work of the financial industry. Lauren also contributes in thinking and collaboration via different work streams within the WBA on the topic of human rights.

Lauren previously lead the human rights work at ING Bank where she lead the human rights strategy that focused on the banks own work, and also broader engagement and collaboration in order to affect systems change on human rights due diligence. She holds an MA in Political Science and Indigenous Studies and a BA in Native Studies from the University of Alberta. She strives to bring what she has humbly learned about decolonisation to all her work.

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