
For consultation: ACT Generic Methodology Update

Methodology update document

The ACT Generic methodology was first published in 2021 to enable assessing companies which are not covered by available ACT sectoral methodologies.

The methodology, developed by the ACT (Assessing low-Carbon Transition) initiative uses a science-based approach to assess companies’ decarbonisation strategies and associated transition plans.  

To ensure the methodology remains cutting-edge in its ambition, relevance, and comprehensiveness, we have created an updated version for this year, and we are opening it to the public for consultation. 

After the consultation, a new Generic Methodology will be published. 

Request for feedback

We invite all stakeholders to read the proposed methodology changes and participate in our public consultation by providing feedback. 

Step 1: Review the content presented in the methodology update document 

  • Please read this document before providing feedback as it provides the details of the questionnaire changes. 

Step 2: Complete the dedicated survey no later than 3rd of July 2023 

  • For those wishing to provide feedback, please click here or paste the URL into a new window in your browser.  
  • Respondents will be asked to disclose their contact details. However, this is optional, and all feedback will be confidential. Personal information will only be used to contact participants on this topic and will be governed by GDPR rules. Any results that are made public will only contain summarised feedback, with no attributable quotes or identifying information.  
  • We anticipate it takes 15-20 minutes to complete the consultation questions.   

The consultation will stay open until 3rd July 2023. We value the expertise of participants, and all your input will be key to help us develop a robust methodology.  

If you would like to discuss in more detail the Generic Methodology update, or any other ACT methodologies, please contact Marlène DRESCH at and/or Sophie PROUST at 


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