See 2022 results of the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark


2022 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Insights Report

This insights report provides an in-depth analysis of our 2022 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, which assesses 127 companies from the food and agriculture products, ICT manufacturing and automotive manufacturing sectors on their human rights performance.

The report goes into further detail about the benchmark’s key findings and provides sectoral insights. It also contains a section on serious allegations and calls to actions for stakeholders.

Given that this year’s benchmark is the fifth iteration of the Corproate Human Rights Benchmark, and the first benchmark where companies were assessed with our revised methodology, the report provides five-year trends. The report is also a first look into companies’ processes and implementation on aspects that were previously a black box, thanks to the incorporation of new indicators and requirements that enabled WBA to get closer to assessing performance.

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Our insights report was kindly translated into Japanese by our Ally Caux Round Table Japan.

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