See total ranking

Capri Holdings

Assessed in 2022

Capri Holdings Limited is a multinational fashion holding company, incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, with executive offices in London and operational offices in New York. It was founded in 1981 by American designer Michael Kors. The company sells clothes, shoes, watches, handbags, and other accessories. In 2015, the company had more than 550 stores and over 1500 in-store boutiques in various countries. Its brands include Kors, Versace and Jimmy Choo.

Ranking position
#560 /816
Total score
8.7 /100
Measurement area Score Rank (0-816)

Governance and strategy

#1 17.5 /100 #519

Ecosystems and biodiversity

#1 2.1 /100 #666

Social inclusion and community impact

#1 15.4 /100 #401
Indicates the score for the top performing company.

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

Core social indicators

More about the company

London, United Kingdom
Number of employees
Group revenue
USD 4,025,000,000
Ownership structure
Publicly listed

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2.000 most influential companies

See company profile