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Yili Group

Yili Group is one of the largest dairy companies in China, delivering 100 million products globally every day and serving 1.1 billion Chinese consumers annually. The company is also rapidly developing a global presence, having established an R&D centre in the Netherlands, developed a strategic partnership with Serilgarda Alimenti, the biggest dairy company in Italy, and invested 3 billion yuan in New Zealand to construct the world's largest integrated dairy base. Yili Group's product line includes liquid milk, milk powder, cold drinks, yogurt, health drinks, and cheese across 20 subsidiary brands, with 11 of these achieving annual sales of more than 1 billion yuan.
Ranking position
#105 /112
Total score
6.2 /100
Measurement area Score Rank (0-112)

Governance and strategy

#1 0.0 /20 #105


#1 0.7 /17.5 #98

Compensation and benefits

#1 1.1 /17.5 #65

Health and well-being

#1 4.4 /17.5 #58

Violence and harassment

#1 0.0 /17.5 #105

Marketplace and community

#1 0.0 /10 #76
Total score 6.2 /100 #105
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Value chain element Score
Workplace 6.2 /35
Supply chain 0.0 /35
Food and Agriculture #46

More about the company

Hohhot City, China
Number of employees
Percentage of female employees
Group revenue
USD 18,274 billion
Ownership structure