See total ranking

Kweichow Moutai

Kweichou Moutai is a beverage enterprise specialising in the manufacturing and distribution of alcoholic beverages. The company is most known for the production and sale of Maotai baijiu, a popular Chinese liquor distilled from sorghum and rice.
Ranking position
#108 /112
Total score
0.0 /100
Measurement area Score Rank (0-112)

Governance and strategy

#1 0.0 /20 #105


#1 0.0 /17.5 #103

Compensation and benefits

#1 0.0 /17.5 #90

Health and well-being

#1 0.0 /17.5 #104

Violence and harassment

#1 0.0 /17.5 #105

Marketplace and community

#1 0.0 /10 #76
Total score 0.0 /100 #108
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Value chain element Score
Workplace 0.0 /35
Supply chain 0.0 /35
Food and Agriculture #48

More about the company

Zunyi, China
Number of employees
Percentage of female employees
Group revenue
USD 18,412 billion
Ownership structure
Publicly listed