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Gildan Activewear

Gildan Activewear is a clothing manufacturer founded in 1984 and based in Montreal, Canada. With around 48,000 employees and 30 manufacturing factories globally and USD 2,922 billion in revenue in 2022, it is one of the world's largest manufacturers of basic apparel, including activewear, underwear and socks. Gildan Activewear holds a portfolio of brands sold in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. These include Gildan, American Apparel, Alstyle, Comfort Colors, Goldtoe, Secret, Peds and Silks.
Ranking position
#34 /112
Total score
28.9 /100
Measurement area Score Rank (0-112)

Governance and strategy

#1 9.3 /20 #11


#1 5.7 /17.5 #18

Compensation and benefits

#1 1.6 /17.5 #54

Health and well-being

#1 6.6 /17.5 #34

Violence and harassment

#1 3.3 /17.5 #51

Marketplace and community

#1 2.5 /10 #38
Total score 28.9 /100 #34
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Value chain element Score
Workplace 12.2 /35
Supply chain 4.9 /35
Apparel #23

More about the company

Montreal, Canada
Number of employees
Percentage of female employees
Group revenue
USD 2,922 billion
Ownership structure
Publicly listed