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Conagra Brands

Conagra Brands is a branded consumer packaged goods food company with a significant focus on the sale of branded, private branded and value-added consumer food. The company operates in four segments, namely grocery & snacks, refrigerated & frozen, international, and foodservice. Walmart Inc. is the company's largest customer, accounting for approximately 27% of Conagra Brands' sales. The company's portfolio includes iconic brands such as Birds Eye, Duncan Hines, Healthy Choice, Slim Jim, and Duke’s. Based in Chicago, Illinois, Conagra continues to strengthen its presence through recent acquisitions, namely branded food manufacturer and distributor Pinnacle Foods and frozen breakfast and pocket sandwich maker Sandwich Bros.
Ranking position
#89 /112
Total score
14.3 /100
Measurement area Score Rank (0-112)

Governance and strategy

#1 2.9 /20 #76


#1 3.6 /17.5 #53

Compensation and benefits

#1 1.1 /17.5 #65

Health and well-being

#1 3.3 /17.5 #87

Violence and harassment

#1 2.2 /17.5 #84

Marketplace and community

#1 1.3 /10 #61
Total score 14.3 /100 #89
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Value chain element Score
Workplace 6.9 /35
Supply chain 3.3 /35
Food and Agriculture #40

More about the company

Chicago, IL, USA
Number of employees
Percentage of female employees
Group revenue
USD 11,536 billion
Ownership structure
Publicly listed