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ANTA International Group Holdings

ANTA International Group Holdings is a Chinese sportswear company founded in 1991. It is one of the industry leaders in China, owning several brands including Anta, Fila, Fusion, Descente, Kolon Sport and Amer. The company engages in the design, development, manufacturing and marketing of professional sports products including shoes, apparel and accessories. In 2022, ANTA earned USD 7.4 billion in revenue and had 59,000 employees.

Ranking position
#83 /110
Total score
8.3 /100
Measurement theme Score Rank (0-110)

Governance and policy commitments

#1 0.2 /10 #97

Embedding respect and human rights due diligence

#1 0.5 /25 #91

Remedies and grievance mechanisms

#1 3.5 /20 #58

Performance: Practices

#1 2.5 /25 #71

Performance: Responses

#1 1.7 /20 #77
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Apparel #42

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This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

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