
Request for proposals for services as WBA research partner from 2024-2026

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The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) is a global non-profit organisation with physical offices in Amsterdam and London. We aim to drive the private sector’s engagement in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through benchmarking, envisioning a future where companies, investors, governments, civil society and individuals can quickly and easily compare businesses’ sustainability performance.

To do this, we have identified seven global systems which need to rapidly transform to put our society, planet and economy on a more sustainable and resilient path. For each of these systems, we have developed methodologies which allow us to assess corporate performance (as disclosed in publicly available documents such as sustainability reports) in the area. Using these methodologies we regularly assess a sample of 2000 “keystone” companies, for which we would like the support of a Research Partner (RP).

The scope of the project is influenced by two key elements – the company list and the methodologies against which each company should be assessed.

  1. The Company List
    WBA maintains a list of 2000 “keystone” companies, each of which is assessed against one or more methodologies depending on the nature of their impact upon the seven system transformations that need to take place to achieve the SDGs.
  2. The Methodologies
    Each of the benchmark methodologies comprises a set of indicator elements, and a set of contextual datapoints.

Extrapolating this relationship of companies to methodologies results in a total anticipated universe of approximately 1.2 million records to be collected. For more detail on how many elements and datapoints are contained in the methodologies, please see the Annex of the Request for Proposals (RFP).

The project will be run over three phases:

  • Phase One: Setup and Training
    July 1, 2024  – October 5, 2024
    The first phase of the project entails preparatory work to ensure the smooth operation of the data collection phase. The focus should be on project planning and software development, in close collaboration with the WBA team.
  • Phase Two: Data Collection
    October 7, 2024 – October 6, 2025
    The data collection phase makes up the majority of the project time and deliverables. It is during this phase that RP analysts will be collecting and assessing information which is then passed to WBA analysts and reviewed in close collaboration with them.
  • Phase Three: Review & Iteration
    January 1, 2026 – June 30, 2026
    WBA aim to publish the results of the research conducted under Phase Two in January 2026, followed by a 10-month period during which WBA analysts will work to engage companies, socialise the research findings and conduct further analysis of the data. During this period, research demand on the RP will be greatly reduced.

For a detailed list of activities and deliverables connected to each phase, please view the RFP.

Expectations of the proposal

WBA expects that proposals will, first and foremost, outline your approach to meeting the deliverables listed in this RFP during the three project phases (see “Activities and Deliverables” section).

Crucially this description of your approach should be accompanied by projections of the personnel and financial resources required to produce the deliverables in the proposed timeframe. Please ensure you propose a total budget, along with breakdowns for the different activities outlined across the three phases. The provision of a projected cost per record (see Annex E) for Phase 2 would be appreciated.

Any requests for clarifications may be sent to Responses to this RFP should be sent to this same address no later than 31 May 2024.

Update 22/05

  • An updated version of the RFP has been uploaded to this page, which includes minor amendments all of which have been recorded in the document’s change log (Annex F).
  • Documentation of the information provided by WBA to interested parties during Q&A Sessions is now available for download here.
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