
Event launch of the 2020 CHRB

We are very excited to unveil the 2020 CHRB results at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights and discuss the results at a second event organised with the Investor Alliance for Human Rights. Please find below the details of both events.

Data: Trends and progress of UNGPs @ 10 and measuring priorities for the next decade

Session at the 2020 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, co-hosted with the UN Working Group

Monday 16th November, 12.30 – 14.00 CET

As we approach the 10th anniversary of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the UN Working Group on Business & Human Rights has launched its UNGPs 10+ / Next Decade BHR project to chart a course for a decade of action on business and human rights. It will take stock of the first ten years, and then, most importantly, develop an ambitious vision and roadmap for implementing the UNGPs more broadly between now and 2030. In this context, and as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to highlight the urgency of ensuring corporate respect for human rights throughout value chains, the availability of reliable data is crucial.

The CHRB is an essential tool in providing this data. It is the only public benchmark of corporate human rights performance, assessing over 200 of the largest global publicly traded companies from high-risk sectors using a methodology that is grounded in the UNGPs. This year’s benchmark results, which will be unveiled during this session and are the fourth iteration of the CHRB, will allow us to look at company performance across topics and sectors, but also give insight into progress over the last four years.


2020 CHRB Results & Driving Collective Action

Monday 23rd November at 11–noon EDT / 4-5pm GMT / 5-6pm CET

In March of this year the Investor Alliance for Human Rights coordinated an investor letter of 176 international investors representing over $4.5 trillion in assets, that targeted every company that scored 0 on human rights due diligence in the 2019 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) ranking. These are checks that reasonable and prudent companies carry out to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address the most severe risks to people in connection to their business. The 2020 CHRB results will allow us to see if the companies targeted by the investor letter demonstrated any improvement on human rights due diligence.

In this year’s iteration of the CHRB the scope of industries was expanded from agricultural products, apparel, extractives and ICT manufacturing to also include 30 of the most influential auto manufacturers. These auto manufacturers have also been ranked in WBA’s Climate and Energy Benchmark: Automotive, with a parallel launch this month, thus enabling some insights into these companies’ approaches to both human rights and climate.

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