See total ranking

Nueva Pescanova

Nueva Pescanova is a fishing company based in Redondela, Spain, that specializes in the fishing, farming, processing and commercialization of seafood products. The company has 17 factories in nine countries across Asia, Africa, Europe and America and sells its product portfolio in 80 countries. In addition to its 70-strong fleet of fishing vessels, Nueva Pescanova also has 7,000-hectare production sites dedicated to farming vannamei shrimp and turbot.

Ranking position
Total score
Measurement area Score Rank (0-350)

Governance and strategy

#1 5.8 /10 #56


#1 12.0 /30 #51


#1 13.8 /30 #13

Social inclusion

#1 7.5 /30 #117
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Segment Rank
Animal proteins #5
Food and beverage manufacturers/processors #30

Segment ranking summary

Nueva Pescanova is active in the animal proteins and food and beverage manufacturers segments. Nueva Pescanova ranks in the top 10 companies among animal proteins peers and top quarter in food and beverage manufacturers. In both segments, its best rank is in the nutrition measurement area, ranking among the best of its peers. In the environment measurement, it performs well above average relative to its peers in both segments. However, in the social inclusion, Nueva Pescanova demonstrates less leadership while still clearly ranking in the top half.

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

Core social indicators

More about the company

Redondela, Spain
Food and agriculture revenue USD
Group revenue USD
Onwnership structure
Publicly listed
Number of employees

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2.000 most influential companies

See company profile