See total ranking


Assessed in 2023

UPL is active in chemical manufacturing, particularly for agriculture, seeds and other farming-related businesses and services. Founded in 1969 as United Phosphorus Limited, UPL was first and foremost a fertiliser company and gradually diversified into broader agrochemical activities. Today, it operates 43 manufacturing locations and has a sales presence in more than 138 countries. In recent years, UPL has solidified its market position through the USD 4.2 billion acquisition of Arysta LifeScience, which sits alongside Advanta Seeds within the group's company portfolio.

Total score
11.5 /20
Measurement theme Score

Respect human rights

8.5 /10

Provide and promote decent work

1.0 /6

Act ethically

2.0 /4

More about the company


This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies globally

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