See total ranking


Novatek OAO is a publicly listed integrated gas company headquartered in Russia. In 2020, it had USD 9.63 billion in revenue and a reported 15,000 employees*. Novatek is Russia's biggest LNG producer, with upstream activities in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region, one of the largest gas producing areas. Novatek has a weak low-carbon transition plan and lacks intention to transition away from gas.

Ranking position
#72 /100
Total score
2.6 /100
Performance score
1.1 /20
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank (0-100)


0.0 /100 #38

Material Investment

11.8 /100 #23

Intangible Investment

0.0 /100 #20

Sold products

0.0 /100 #55


25.3 /100 #67

Supplier Engagement

0.0 /100 #57

Client Engagement

0.0 /100 #53

Policy Engagement

20.0 /100 #47

Business Model

0.0 /100 #52

Leading practices

No leading practices were identified for this company.

Risks and opportunities


Novatek receives a trend score of -. If the company were reassessed in the near future, its score would likely decrease. The company has started to reduce its scope 1 and 2 emissions but is not on track to keep pace with the rate of reduction required by its 1.5°C pathway. The company has no current target for scope 3 emissions that could drive a significant change in business model and does not plan to scale up innovative low-carbon technologies that could support its alignment with a 1.5°C pathway.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

More about the company

Moscow, Russia
Group revenue
RUB 711,812,000,000 (USD 9.63 billion)
Ownership structure
Publicly listed
Number of employees
Scope of activity
Fully integrated