Impact and dependencies assessment
While Vale mentions using GRI system indicators to monitor the performance of its operational impacts on biodiversity, no evidence was found that the company has holistically assessed its impacts or how it depends on nature, including biodiversity. The company has an opportunity to start such an assessment across its value chains, focused on quantification of its impacts or dependencies.
Key areas and species
Vale does not disclose the locations of its suppliers that are in or adjacent to areas important for biodiversity. Moreover, the company does not disclose species populations existing in or adjacent to the locations of its suppliers.
Ecosystem conversion and restoration
Vale does not disclose a commitment to ensure zero conversion, any activities to achieve conversion-free supply chains or a time-bound target to achieve conversion-free supply chains. Vale also does not disclose a commitment or any activities to minimise ecosystem conversion.
Resource exploitation and circularity
Vale does not disclose its inputs, including its material footprint. While the company reports on some circularity metrics, there is no evidence it reports quantitatively on its group-wide circularity performance (e.g. circular material productivity). Moreover, while Vale provides details of practices to monitor and improve soil health in its restoration and rehabilitation activities, it does not disclose a target to improve soil health in its production or sourcing practices.
Vale does not engage with suppliers to reduce water withdrawal. While the company reports on effluents, it does not offer metrics on specific pollutants discharged. Moreover, the company does not disclose targets to reduce water pollution.
Solid and air pollution
While Vale discloses several business practices regarding waste management, no evidence was found that it reduces the production of hazardous waste. While Vale provides some information on plastic, no specific quantitative evidence was found that the company is reducing plastic use and waste in its own operations. Neither does Vale report on the amount of plastic waste generated and proportions directed from or to disposal.
GHG emissions
While Vale discloses its scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, the amount increased compared to the previous year. Therefore, the company does not demonstrate a year-on-year reduction compared to the baseline. Vale aims to reduce 33% of scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 and 15% of scope 3 emissions by 2035 compared to the 2018 base year. However, no evidence was found that these targets are aligned with a 1.5-degree trajectory.
Invasive species
While Vale mentions invasive species management for its restoration activities, it is unclear what the process and outcome are of such management. No evidence was found that the company identifies the activities that could lead to the introduction of invasive species in its value chain