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DLG Group

DLG is a Danish cooperative segmented into three main business areas; agribusiness, involving crop production and animal nutrition; premix and nutrition activities, and energy and retail. Through the agribusiness branch, DLG purchases and sells crops such as grains, rapeseed, soya and maize, and produces animal feed and supplements for pigs, cattle and poultry. With 17 factories across Europe and China, DLG is one of the largest producers of vitamins and minerals for livestock in Europe, all of which are marketed under the group's Vilofoss brand. Germany is the cooperative's largest market, accounting for approximately 60% of DLG's revenue.

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  1. 2021
  2. 2023

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Food and agriculture revenue
DKK 35,019,600,000
Food and agriculture USD revenue
USD 5,250,750,000
Major subsidiaries
Consumer brands