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Cosun is an agri-industrial cooperative specialising in processing arable crops and vegetable raw materials from sugar beet, potatoes and chicory. Consisting of approximately 9,000 Dutch sugar beet growers, the cooperative is involved in supplying products for foodservice and retail outlets, and trading and distributing animal feed. In addition, Cosun is involved in other non-food applications such as developing building blocks for biobased chemicals and producing bioenergy. The most widely known business groups under the cooperative include sugar producer Suiker Unie and Aviko, one of Europe’s largest producers of fresh, frozen, dried and specialty potato products.

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  1. 2021
  2. 2023

More about the company

Food and agriculture revenue
EUR 2,046,000,000
Food and agriculture USD revenue
USD 2,290,446,000
Major subsidiaries
Aviko, SVZ
Consumer brands