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Bonduelle is a French food company specialising in the production of canned, frozen, fresh cut and processed vegetables. Founded in 1853, the company is owned by the Bonduelle family and has been passed on for seven generations. The company's products are grown by 3,000 farmers across 120,000 hectares of land globally. With over 50 industrial production sites, Bonduelle's main consumer markets include Europe, North America and Asia, with approximately 46% of the revenue from the Europe zone. Bonduelle has been expanding its presence in the American continent, with its latest acquisition of US-based salads processor Ready Pac Foods in 2017.

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  1. 2021
  2. 2023

More about the company

Food and agriculture revenue
EUR 2,777,000,000
Food and agriculture USD revenue
USD 3,108782,000
Major subsidiaries
Ready Pac Produce
Consumer brands
Arctic Gardens, Ready Pac Foods