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Betagro is an agri-industrial and food company based in Thailand and involved in the production and distribution of animal feed, livestock farming and animal breeding including rearing pigs, broilers and layer chickens. The company also specialise in animal health care by producing vitamins, premixes and supplements and antiseptics for the livestock farming market. In addition to its feed mills across Thailand, Betagro is expanding its feed business across Asia. In addition, the company offers products for the consumer market such as fresh chicken eggs, chicken and port meat, ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat foods and seasonings. Betagro is also involved in producing pet care products such as feed, supplements, cleansers and other related products.

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  1. 2021
  2. 2023

More about the company

Food and agriculture revenue
THB 74,091,959,000
Food and agriculture USD revenue
USD 3,108,629,100
Major subsidiaries
Consumer brands