See total ranking


PCCW Limited is a global telecommunications and media company with headquarters in Hong Kong, China. The company was established in 2000 when PCCW acquired Cable & Wireless HKT (originally the Hong Kong Telephone Company, formed in 1925). In 2019, the company’s subsidiary, HKT, provided fixed broadband and mobile services to 1.6 million and 4.7 million subscribers in Hong Kong, respectively. PCCW Media operates the leading pay TV service in Hong Kong under the Now TV brand, with more than 1 million subscribers. It also operates Viu, a video streaming service with 40 million users in 16 markets across Southeast Asia, the Middle East and South Africa. PCCW Global operates a Tier 1 global internet backbone network with 125 points of presence across 76 cities worldwide.

Ranking position
#71 /100
Total score
0.41 /2
Measurement area Score (0-2) Rank (0-100)


0.53 /2 #52


0.31 /2 #60


0.72 /2 #51


0.09 /2 #96

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

See results for

  1. 2021
  2. 2023

More about the company

Hong Kong, China
Ownership structure
Publicly listed
Fiscal year
Ends 31 December
Group revenue
US$4,788 million (FY2019)
Group employees
24,700 (FY 2019)