See total ranking


Société de Production de Semences Améliorées (SOPROSA) was established in 2012 in Sikasso, Mali. Its main activities are the production, processing, treatment and sale of quality seed of improved varieties in Western Africa. It has 16 employees and specializes in field crops, including legumes. The company reports reaching around 200,000 farmers, primarily in its home market. Its main crops are maize, rice and millets. SOPROSA collaborates with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on farmer training and the World Bank in the framework of the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program.

Ranking position
#28 /32
Total score
0.0 /100
Measurement area Score Rank (0-32)

Governance and strategy

#1 0.0 /10 #21

Genetic resources and intellectual property management

#1 0.0 /15 #23

Research and development

#1 0.0 /20 #21

Seed production

#1 0.0 /15 #16

Marketing and sales

#1 0.0 /25 #27

Capacity building

#1 0.0 /15 #19
Indicates the score for the top performing company.

Leading practices

No leading practices were identified for the company.

Risks and opportunities

The company could disclose the full scope of its access to seeds-related activities in Western and Central Africa.

Index crops in portfolio

See results for

  1. 2016
  2. 2019

More about the company

Sikasso, Mali
Ownership structure
Group revenue USD
Seed revenue USD
