
Australia’s role in advancing human rights and sustainability in Asia Pacific supply chains

Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 9:00–17:00

Macquarie University City Campus, Level 24, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney, Australia

Hosted by the World Benchmarking Alliance and Macquarie University’s Centre for Environmental Law and B&HR Access to Justice Lab.

Join other stakeholders from government, business, civil society, academia, and law at our roundtable event in Sydney, Australia, to explore how Australian companies and the government can drive progress on human rights and sustainability in the region.  

The Asia Pacific region faces pressing challenges, including economic inequality, human rights abuses, and environmental crises. Australian businesses, as leaders across many industries with strong ties to the region, are uniquely positioned to implement and promote responsible, sustainable practices throughout their supply chains.

The Australian government also plays a critical role in setting clear expectations and creating incentives for responsible business conduct through its policies and regulatory frameworks. Notably, the government has agreed – fully, partially, or in-principle – to 25 of the 30 recommendations from the McMillan Review of the Modern Slavery Act, aimed at strengthening the Act’s effectiveness. The recently appointed Commonwealth Anti-Slavery Commissioner is now at work, and the government has put forward a bid to host COP31 in 2026.

The event will offer a platform to discuss how the Australian government and businesses can work together to tackle these complex challenges to foster a more sustainable and equitable future.

In addition to hosting an expert panel discussion and multi-stakeholder dialogue, we will share findings from B&HR Access to Justice Lab’s report, which assessed the commitments of 25 of Australia’s largest companies to respect human rights and sustainability.

Participants will explore opportunities for collaboration to advance corporate accountability, tackle challenges like modern slavery, and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Asia Pacific.

This event aims to foster stronger partnerships and collective actions that support a just and equitable future for all.

Please note that this will be an in-person event only. 


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